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1946 Half Penny 5 Multiple Dots rev

1916_half_D_2_E_1_VG+_No_I_MM.jpg 1852.jpg 1946_Half_D_aF_Dots_Rev.jpg 1946_Half_D_aF_Dots_Rev.jpg 1949y_Half_D_Filled_4_Coin_A_close.jpg

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File information
Album name:farnbycoins / Australian Half Penny set inc errors/ variety
Rating (9 votes): (Details)
Year / Mint:1946 Perth
Denomination:Half Penny
Type:Obv 3 Rev B
File Size:100 KB
Date added:Jun 09, 2008
Dimensions:800 x 716 pixels
Displayed:1084 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
farnbycoins     Jun 11, 2008 at 10:31 PM
No, there is a couple of verdigris spots and some contacts there, and a contact trailing from the roos tail. Possibly another dot low before the first A, but also has a contact through it .
Guest_KurtS     Jun 11, 2008 at 03:02 AM
It looks like a blundered die...is there also a raised area before the first A in AUSTRALIA?

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